Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday at work...

9:38 AM - Sitting here at work wondering how all 400lbs of grapes picked on Saturday are doing. I am sure they are happy as proverbial pigs in slop as they devour our recent addition of yeast and food.

While I am a bit sad that I won't be around during the primary fermentation, I am glad that Jay will have the opportunity to experience our juice becoming wine. I have to say that tending to our batch of Cab was one of the coolest things I have down in a while. I felt like a mad scientist in the dark dank confines of my San Francisco garage carefully measuring powders and sugar levels, sanitizing obsessively, and constantly afraid that an errant microbe might turn my carefully babied creation into swill fit only for the gutter outside. However, now that the Cab is quietly in secondary fermentation, bubbling away airtight in my upstairs closet, I am glad that I can once again rejoin the world. And the world looks face has flushed with renewed sun exposure, the skin on my hands has started to heal safe from constant contact with sanitizer and my girlfriend will speak with me once again as she realizes that she will no longer have to share me with a tub of rotting fruit.

Thanks to all significant others who willingly fought hangovers and mud to come out and humor 3 guys who have no idea what they are doing. Let's hope that book I keep referring to knows what it is doing!


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